璞椅 | 徐乐&翟伟民

“朴素而天下莫能与之争美”出自庄子的《天道》篇。只有最自然的美,才会永不褪色,其他形式的美都无法与之相比。 [璞椅]的设计概念来源于此,引入“返璞归真”的理念,椅子的设计中,除去了一些不必要的外饰,让其呈现出原本的自然状态。
[璞椅] 造型灵感来源于明式圈椅。借鉴了其椅圈和鹅脖的柔美曲线,线条简洁明了,起承转折,收放有力。座垫的弧面设计更加符合人体工学,舒适十足,同时也体现了精湛的制作工艺。连接方式采用传统的榫卯结构,稳定牢固,易于加工,适合批量化生产。
The idea"the beauty of simplicity surpasses all things in world " originated from the article"Heaven"by Zhuangzi . Only the most natural beauty can never fade, and other forms of beauty can not compare with it. The design concept of [PURE CHAIR] originated from this.Introducing the concept of "returning to nature", the design of the chair removed some unwanted ornament and rendered it the original state of nature.
[PURE CHAIR] style was inspired by the Ming-style ring chair. Draws on the gentle curve of its chair ring and goose neck, the lines are concise and clear which play a turning point and put a strong force. The curved design of the seat cushion is more ergonomic and comfortable, and also reflects the exquisite craftsmanship. Connection, using the traditional tenon joint structure, are stable,solid, easy to process and suitable for mass production.
The entire design achieved a new perfection of balance in new look,new structure and  traditional craft. Applying naturalistic approach to modern design has made an innovative  interpretation to wooden furniture design and brings totally new visual experience .