LEXON 花园灯,自己本身就像一朵能发光的花朵。灯的电源可以通过自身的太阳能板自给自足,也可以有线充电。太阳能板背面的触摸钮可以将灯光调节两种明暗亮度。这样的设计方便于户外派对,以及野营使用,只要直接插在地面就能作为地灯照明。如果愿意还可以代替蜡烛,摆成心型献给你的爱人哟!
LEXON garden lamp has the appearance of a blossoming flower that glows. The lamp is powered by solar panels or by wire. With the button on the back of the solar panel, your can tune the brightness. The design is especially suitable for outdoor parties and camps, it is totally functioning once standing on the ground. You can use it in the place of candles, as you like, arrange it in a love pattern to express your love.