“数学”系列 | 衍物YEN OBJECT

在日常生活中,还有多少事物是令人感受到初衷的美? 这种美来自于何方?为什么第一眼就令人心动 不已?或许“黄金比例”能够解密。利用黄金比例1:1.618的构成,将剪刀、拆信器、尺仪分割出完美比 例,在长度与宽度与角度间找到世间纯粹的美;而藉由这完美比例简约的型态构成拆信器与及美学 结合分割的尺仪,重新在事物间找寻“美”的存在。或许,利用“黄金比例”重新审视对象的型态,重新 领略世界的真与美。

Scissors are useful tools in our office or house.iAN Yen & Design YxRtried to review the possibility of development from the aesthetic way instead of going to the extreme function.He rethought about the golden proportion related to the beauty and mathematics.Finally the scissors "MATHEMATICS" were born with the perfect proportion with useful function and comfortable holding position;it's a new aesthetic of the stationary.