八方钢笔 | 匠艺

绚烂多彩的笔杆,源于木材中的稀有品种——稳定化木。不变形也不开裂,不随着时间而褪色。搭配黄铜,每一支笔都是专属。精细八角棱线,巧妙设计不易滚落,钢笔帽可旋拧在笔杆尾端,不担心遗落。 笔尖选择了斯密特,吸墨器+墨囊选用施耐德,搭配墨囊盒,笔墨呼应,同款色系的皮套,让书写的仪式感由外而内。

The brilliant and colorful penholder stems from the rare species of wood - stabilized wood. No deformation, no cracking, no fading with time. With brass, each pen is exclusive. Fine octagonal ridge line, ingenious design is not easy to roll off, pen cap can be screwed at the end of the pen pole, do not worry about missing. Smith is chosen for the tip of the pen, Schneider for the ink absorber and ink bag, matching the ink bag box, the ink and ink echo, and the leather case of the same color system, so that the ritual sense of writing is from outside to inside.