木兰椅 | 十二时慢

做一把椅子,就像做一个人。简约化了的传统座椅,全3D曲面设计,设计没有一处多余,点到即止, 没有炫耀争宠,没有浮夸做作。初初以为是阴柔曲线,细看又发现了阳刚意气,柔美之间有硬朗, 坚挺之中有浪漫,让两种性别的美中和为一体。发觉的人,自然会驻足端详。

Mulan Chair/ Shi Er Shi Man
Making a chair could be compared as being a human. The simplified traditional Mulan chair, with full 3D bent-wood design, conveys the message of less is more. People may find the chair looks feminine when they take a quick glance, but feel its masculine factor in the design after observing it carefully,which refers to a balance between softness and strength, powerfulness and romance.