禁锢的方向 | 梁冰冰

这把椅子的灵感来源于面壁九年的达摩,我描述的是一种禅意与世俗的一种对接的状态。花与叶,我认为它们标志着自然和自由,我取它们之中的元素,来构建出这把椅子。这是一个生活在世俗却对这种自然的自由的思 想与生活状态的向往的人所做的椅子。

This chair is inspired by dharma who has been facing the wall for nine years. What I describe is a state of docking between zen and secular. This is a chair made by a man who lives in the secular world but yearns for this natural and free state of mind and life.