能量棒 | 本来设计

这是一款口袋式充电宝,拥有更小巧轻便的身躯。握感十足,更适合放口袋、小型包内随身携带, 且不占空间。充电宝通体被原木包裹,让表面的木纹保持连续性,显现出色的质感。

Power Bank/belaDESIGN
This is a pocket power bank with a tiny and portable body. Two shapes, cylinder or cube, are available for your options. It feels excellent when you grasp it in your hand. It occupies little space thus is suitable for being carried in a pocket or a small bag. We utilize embedded design with masterly sealing and polishing techniques. In this way the power bank is totally wrapped up in the wood. In the meantime the wood grains keep intact, which delivers an outstanding quality. An extra length with two battery cells is provided regarding the need of a larger capacity.