林芳璐 Fanglu Lin
2016年 毕业于中央美术学院,获学士、硕士学位,
In 2016, graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts, with bachelor's degree and master's degree.

2013年 于德国卡尔斯鲁厄国立设计大学交流学习,
In 2013, studied at the Karlsruhe University of Art and Design in Germany.

2013年 于日本东京艺术大学交流学习,
In 2013, studied at the Tokyo University of the Arts in Japan.

2016年 荣获中国建筑装饰协会“年度新锐设计师”奖,
In 2016, won the award of “Young Designer of the year” by China Building Decoration Association.

2016年 创立「手扎蓝染」品牌,
In 2016, established the brand of  “Shou Zha Lan Ran”.

2016年 自创品牌「手扎蓝染」荣获中国建筑装饰协会“年度创新品牌”奖,
In 2016, the self-created brand " Shou Zha Lan Ran " won the award of "Annual Innovation Brand" by China Building Decoration Association.

2017年 创立「 Miss Lin」品牌。
In 2017, created brand "Miss Lin".