石大宇 Jeff Da Yu Shi

著名美籍华人产品设计师。石大宇1989年毕业于美国纽约时尚设计学院(Fashion Institute of Technology ),1992年起任“钻石之王”Harry Winston珠宝公司设计师,是该公司历史上首位华裔设计师。1996年获戴比尔斯国际钻饰设计大赛大奖 (DeBeers Diamonds International Awards),成为该奖首位华裔获奖者。同年返回台湾成立设计生活领导品牌“清庭”。

1996年“清庭”品牌成立于台北,是中国第一家引进全球前沿设计、向全台湾推广设计、生活方式的精品买手店。2010年5月落户北京,是北京市和东城区文化创意产业重点扶植企业、首都设计提升计划支持项目单位。二十多年来,清庭品牌自主研发设计的竹制产品(家具\茶具),屡获国内外大奖。成为中国唯一致力于“针对竹材料特性”开发产品并将“传统文化与当代设计相结合”,“ 肩负使命——以设计提升竹产业链发展”的先锋文创品牌。29项作品已荣获国际设计界最高荣誉-德国联邦设计大奖。多项作品获得德国红点奖、德国iF、中国设计红星奖等国内外奖项,不仅是竹设计领域的行业先锋,也成为中国当代设计面向世界的一面旗帜。

2019“非凡时尚人物”、2018年度首都设计提升计划杰出设计人才、2017年国际竹藤组织评定其为“中国竹产业100位英雄人物”。2014中华文化促进会颁授“中华文化人物”。2011 美国《室内设计》杂志颁授“设计名人堂”正式成员。


Well-known designer Founder and Creative Director of Dragonfly Gallery and Dragonfly Design Center. Graduated from Fashion Institute of Technology in 1989, worked as an in-house designer for Harry Winston Jewelry Company NYC, Winner of DeBeers Diamonds International Awards 1996, Jeff Dayu Shi has been a high-profile designer. With aggressive attempts of exploring the world of art and design, he established Dragonfly Gallery in 1996 - the pioneer design concept store in Taipei Taiwan.

2019 Outstanding Fashion Personages by China National Garment Association(CNGA), 2018 Beijing Design Enhancement Program-Outstanding Design Figure, 2017 INBAR “100 Heroes of China’s Bamboo Industry”, 2014 Chinese Culture Figure, 2011 Hall of Fame Member, 《Interior Design》magazine. Well-known designer, Founder and Creative Director of Dragonfly Gallery Taipei and Dragonfly Design Center Beijing.

Jeff Dayu Shi, a devotee in using bamboo and other natural material in his creations, believes in “a good design is not merely about aesthetic appearance, it should be a carrier of creative wisdom”. In his search of a harmonized unification of material, craftsmanship and cultural essence, during this time of resource scarcity, Shi poses challenges in creating breakthroughs in craftsmanship and techniques that are reflective to modern times, through sophisticated characteristics that exceed the common confines of the material medium, to offer solutions to current and potential lifestyle concerns. His creativities are gaining spotlights around international design scene.