Oliver Raatz
Oliver Raatz 

Acrylic Couture 设计师

acrylic couture- 拥有全新光芒的亚克力玻璃。
奢华、神秘、精致、优雅、壮丽 - 以最好的亚克力玻璃和精挑细选的独特材料打造,这款设计的造型、奥妙和“魔力”前所未有。
感官上的亮点通过亚克力玻璃上的独特纳米颗粒实现。光线和 LED 技术的存在,让这种非凡的材料展示出强光下的 3D 效果,从而可以对闪耀与微光、光与影、颜色与形状进行完美的设置。

Acrylic Couture Designer

acrylic couture - acrylic glass in a completely new light: Intoxicating effects through extravagant inlays and artistic colour combinations. Whether luxurious, mystical, refined, graceful or spectacular–through the interplay of the finest acrylic glass and exclusive, selected materials “made in Italy”, designs are created of unprecedented appearance, depth and “magic”.
The highlight for the senses is achieved through unique nanoparticles in the acrylic glass.