張敬貴 Ken Cheung

2008年于香港理工大学设计系毕业,加入建筑事务所工作,主力负责商业空间项目,着重结构、空间观念、环境规划。于2013年与CM Jao 创立Oft Interiors Ltd,希望其设计及作品让人们回想起原有空间的箇中意义及寻回已被遗忘的感动。

Ken 认为能够以设计师的专业为不同的客人构思规划,最终完成客户的目标,是工作上最大的满足。他主张其设计作品能为客户展现该空间的独特性,而非纯粹表达设计师个人风格,故此Ken十分重视与客户的沟通,方能透过每个作品传达不同客户的品牌讯息,真正将设计专业融入项目。

Graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design in 2008, Ken worked and handled commercial projects in an architecture firm. He was professional with comprehensive knowledge of architectural structure, spatial concept and environmental planning. He co-founded Oft Interiors Ltd. with CM in 2013, and was eager to recall the original meaning and sensation of the space through their works.

Ken thinks the huge satisfaction is gained from assisting different clients to reach their specific goals by making use of his design professions. He advocates his work can express the exclusive personality of the space for the client, instead of merely showing the designer style. Therefore Ken values the communication with clients so as to deliver their brand messages precisely through his designs.