刘迪功 Liu Digong

刘迪功先生,湖南人,温诺设计事务所设计总监。中南林业科技大学本科毕业,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学艺术设计硕士毕业,留学后在上海曾任职世界五百强地产公司设计部高级主管;2018年创立Wenlot(温诺)品牌,2019年3月获得“设计上海展”2019 Design Shanghai Picks奖项。

Mr. Liu Digong from Hunan province is design director of Wenlot Creativity. Graduated from Central South University of Forestry and Technology, graduated with a master's degree in art design from the University of New South Wales, Australia. After studying abroad, he worked as a senior director of the design department of the world's top 500 real estate companies in Shanghai. The brand Wenlot he founded in 2018 won the “2019 Design Shanghai Picks” in March 2019.