赖郡 Lai Jun
1994年出生,籍贯湖北, 2017年泉州师范学院美术与设计学院美术学本科毕业,师从卫军老师。毕业后师从陈立德老师,跟随陈老师学习漆画近两年,2019年12月于无论艺术工作室从事漆艺工作,2020年2月创办漆艺工作室。福州市漆艺研究会会员,福州市脱胎漆器行业协会会员。
Born in 1994, born in Hubei Province, graduated from Quanzhou Normal University in 2017. My teacher is Weijun. After graduation, I studied lacquer painting with Chen Lide for nearly two years. December 2019, regardless of the art studio engaged in lacquer art work in February 2020, founded Lacquer Art Studio Fuzhou Lacquer Art Research Association member of Fuzhou Bodiless Lacquer Industry Association.