林海 Lin Hai
荷兰注册建筑师,创始合伙人 / 主持建筑师,北京国际设计周建筑改造专家委员会成员,毕业于荷兰代尔夫特理工大学建筑系(TU Delft),曾从业于芝加哥SOM事务所,拥有丰富的建筑及室内设计经验。2008年在芝加哥创建DAMU Design建筑事务所,并于2013年建立DAMU中国团队。林海重视艺术创造力与技术的结合,强调细节品质。
Lin Hai, he graduated from the Architecture Department of Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft) in the Netherlands, and worked at SOM in Chicago and has extensive experience in architecture and interior design. Founded DAMU Design architectural firm in Chicago in 2008, and established the DAMU China team in 2013. Lin Hai attaches great importance to the combination of artistic creativity and technology, and emphasizes the quality of details.