庄子玉 Zhuang Ziyu
建筑师,RSAA/庄子玉工作室主持建筑师,美国哥伦比亚大学建筑与城市设计硕士,师从伯纳德·屈米(Bernard Tschumi)和肯尼思·弗兰普顿(Kenneth Frampton)。庄子玉是美国建筑师协会(AIA)联合会员,美国绿建协会(USGBC)认证专家(LEED AP),纽约建筑师联盟(Architecture League of New York)成员,2018-2019 年天津大学建筑学院特聘研究生国际实验班导师,并曾在香港大学、哥伦比亚大学、纽约帕森设计学院、清华大学和明尼苏达大学作为客座评图。
Architect, Principal Architect of RSAA / Büro Ziyu Zhuang. Learning after Bernard Tschumi and Kenneth Frampton, Ziyu Zhuang has been granted the Master’s degree of Architecture and Urban design in Columbia University, USA. As the member of AIA, the member of Architecture League of New York and as the LEED AP of USGBC, Ziyu Zhuang has been invited to be the visiting professor of Tianjin University School of Architecture in 2018-2019, also as a guest critic at the University of Hong Kong, Columbia University, New York Parsons School of Design, Tsinghua University and University of Minnesota.