卜骁骏 Bu Xiaojun
美国纽约州注册建筑师,LEED AP,美国建筑师协会AIA奖获得者。毕业于哈佛大学建筑设计研究生院建筑设计专业、清华大学建筑学院建筑设计专业 (本科、研究生学位),曾任职SOM(纽约)建筑事务所、北京标准营造建筑事务所。
Bu Xiaojun, received his Bachelor of Architecture from Tsinghua University, his Master of Architecture II from Harvard University and is a licensed architect in the State of New York. He is also a LEED Accredited Professional since 2009. His working experience includes SOM New York, and Standard architecture.