卢志荣 Chi WIng Lo

2015「世界杰出华人设计师」得奖人,卢志荣的丰富创作涵盖了建 筑、雕塑、室内与家具设计等领域,他一直以对理念的净化、诗意的 诠释、细节的关注,备受意大利及国际设计界推崇。 卢志荣创作了一系列反映他的建筑和设计的雕塑,他的艺术个展: 「物的灵与光」 、「奇幻旅程」 、「文明愿景」 、「建隆 一零五五 年」、「逸舍」、「合一」宏覌与微覌世界的緘默、「AURA」和 「无华」卢志荣作品展,先后在意大利及亚洲地区当代画廊与博物馆展出,作品被国际收藏家垂青。

Recipient of the World’s Outstanding Chinese Designer award 2015, Chi Wing Lo’s works encompass the fields of architecture, sculpture, interior and furniture design. His prolific output has long been recognized, in and beyond the eminent circle of contemporary Italian design, for his evocativeness in thought, gracefulness in form and meticulousness in every detail. Since 2012, Lo has also presented his sculptures in solo exhibitions: The Light and Soul of an Object at the Museo dell’Alto Tavoliere in San Severo, Italy, Timeless Domain at the Triennale Museum in Milan, Journey of Imagination at the Yi & C Contemporary Art Gallery in Taipei, Vision of a Civilization and Jianlong 1055 at the Kwai Fung Hin Art gallery in Hong Kong, Scholarly Implements at the Xiling Seal Art Society Gallery in Hangzhou, Inner Garden at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, SYNTHESIS The Silence of His World to inaugurate the opening of the Damei Art Center in Beijing, AURA at the Serindia Gallery in Bangkok and most recently ESSENCE Chi Wing Lo at China Design Museum, Hangzhou. His works are favored by prominent international art collectors.