张周捷 Zhoujie Zhang

张周捷,独立设计师、数字艺术家。 毕业于英国中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院,英国建筑师协会访问研究员, 作品在世界范围内广泛展出,并被众多博物馆、画廊及私人收藏,同时被Wallpaper*、纽约时报、Vogue、等主流媒体的关注报道。

Zhoujie Zhang , Independent Designer and Digital Artist Zhang graduated from Central Saint Martins Art & Design College in London , and is a member of the Architectural Association School of Architecture. His collections have been exhibited widely around the world and selected by museums as well as individual collectors.His work has appeared in mainstream media such as Wall-paper*、the New York Times and Vogue.